Proposal: Fighting Spirit Reform
Change the name of the Rule Fighting Spirit to "Courage" and reword it to:
Set the Courage to 3.
In Rule Protagonists, replace the first universal characteristic with:
If Proposal "I have no brain and I must think..." has passed, remove the second sentence from the above Rule Courage and append it to the description of the activity Attack Humans.
If Proposal "Return the Salute [Trivial]" has passed, replace the second sentence in the description of the Protagonist Bub with "Because Bub is a zombie, Hordes attacking Humans in the same location as him lose 3 fewer Zombies (to a minimum of 0) instead of 3 more."
This Proposal simplifies the Fighting Spirit system, while keeping the balance approximately the same (maybe slightly in the Zombies' favor). It also notably gets rid of the DICE roll on Humans' counterattacks; I think that the DICE roll on the Horde's attack adds enough randomness. I used the rough formula 4 or 5 Courage = 1 Fighting Spirit, and DICE = 3 or 4.
Timed out at 10:45 PM on the 20th. Enacted by Cayvie. +10 to Cosmologicon and +5 to Cayvie. -5 to
TrumanCapote, Josh, 75thTrombone, Chronos, Dirk, Ornithopter, and Rodney for not voting.
The Humans fight for their lives; their strength is determined by the Courage, which is tracked in the Zombies field in the Humans row of the GNDT. Whenever a Horde attacks the Humans, that Horde loses Zombies equal to the Courage, plus (if there are more Rampaging than Shambling Hordes) the difference between the number of Rampaging Hordes and the number of Shambling Hordes.
At the end of every day that a non-trivial proposal fails, the Courage increases by 1, or 2 if one such failed proposal was proposed by the Overlord. At the end of every day that no Horde attacks the Humans, the Courage decreases by 4, to a minimum of 0.
Set the Courage to 3.
In Rule Protagonists, replace the first universal characteristic with:
A Horde attacking Humans loses an additional 3 Zombies for each Protagonist in the same Location as that Horde.
If Proposal "I have no brain and I must think..." has passed, remove the second sentence from the above Rule Courage and append it to the description of the activity Attack Humans.
If Proposal "Return the Salute [Trivial]" has passed, replace the second sentence in the description of the Protagonist Bub with "Because Bub is a zombie, Hordes attacking Humans in the same location as him lose 3 fewer Zombies (to a minimum of 0) instead of 3 more."
This Proposal simplifies the Fighting Spirit system, while keeping the balance approximately the same (maybe slightly in the Zombies' favor). It also notably gets rid of the DICE roll on Humans' counterattacks; I think that the DICE roll on the Horde's attack adds enough randomness. I used the rough formula 4 or 5 Courage = 1 Fighting Spirit, and DICE = 3 or 4.

TrumanCapote, Josh, 75thTrombone, Chronos, Dirk, Ornithopter, and Rodney for not voting.
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