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Friday, December 17, 2004

Proposal: Teleportation Fixes [Trivial]

In Horde Activities, rewrite the "Smash" activity as follows:

Smash. Requires at least ten Zombies. If the Horde is in a Barricaded Location, it may only Smash the Barricade on that Location; otherwise, the Horde may choose any Barricaded Location and revert it to an unbarricaded state. (All Hordes in the Location have the asterisk removed from their Location.)

In Protagonists, rewrite the first universal characteristic as follows:

If a Horde attacks the Humans while in the same location as a Protagonist, the Humans gain +1 to both their Fighting Spirit and their Confidence for every Protagonist present.

There, that should do it. Now let's have a go at that leaky faucet...
Reached Quorum. Enacted by Knightking.