Proposal: Fire Burn, and Cauldron Bubble…
Add a new rule, called The Necronomicon:
Cannot be enacted without COV. Failed by Knightking.
Within this rule exists The Necronomicon, which contains Necromantic Spells known to all Hordes. Necromantic Spells and their effects may only be listed in the Necronomicon and nowhere else in the ruleset.
Once per day, any Horde may call upon the powers of darkness for assistance by casting a single Necromantic Spell listed within The Necronomicon. A Horde attempting a Ritual must pay a cost of either 3 Brains or 1 Zombie, and after this cost is paid that Horde posts a GNDT comment in the format “Casting [Spell]: DICE”, where [Spell] is the Name of a Spell listed in The Necronomicon. That Horde consults the text of the Spell just cast and immediately applies the effect matching the Spell’s die roll.
Dark Infusion
Note: Dark Infusion may not be cast if that Horde has already attacked humans the maximum number of times allowed per day. A Horde casting Dark Infusion must immediately attack humans; the Spell’s effect applies only to that attack.
1: The Spell fails and has no effect.
2 or 3: the Horde casting this Spell unwittingly curses its Zombies with weakness and lethargy. Halve the total number of Brains and Zombies (rounding down) that Horde would have gained as a result of attacking humans. For example, if a Horde would have gained 1 Brain and 1 Zombie, it gains 0 Brains and Zombies instead.
4 or 5: the Horde casting this Spell imbues its Zombies with unnatural strength and speed. Double the total number of Brains and Zombies that Horde gains as a result of attacking humans.
6: the Horde casting this Spell protects its Zombies in a shield of dark energy. That Horde loses no Zombies while attacking humans.
The Harvest
1 or 2: The Spell fails and has no effect.
3: The Horde casting this Spell gains 1 Zombie.
4: The Horde casting this Spell gains 3 Zombies.
5: The Horde casting this Spell gains 5 Zombies.
6: EVERY Horde gains 2 Zombies.
Undead Sustenance
1 or 2: The Spell fails and has no effect.
3 or 4: The powers of darkness are angered! Unless the Horde casting this Spell sacrifices 10 of their own Brains, half of that Horde’s Zombies crumble and cease to exist. The Spell has no other effect.
5 or 6: The Horde casting this Spell sustains its Zombies through a dark power. For the next 24 hours after this Spell was cast, (using the Blognomic clock), the Horde casting this Spell loses 0 Brains when forced to eat, instead of the normal number it would lose.

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