Proposal: Funking like rabbits
add a new rule called Reproduction
Each day living family members may reproduce. To determine how they will reproduce on DICE shall be rolled with a GNDT post of the following - 'Reproduce: DICE'. If a 1 or 2 is rolled then no extra living family members are added. If a 3, 4, or 5 is rolled then for every 2 living family members a Horde has they gain 1 more living family member. This means that if a 3,4 or 5 is rolled with 3 family members then they only get 1 more family member as family members can only be made with pairs of people with a 3, 4, or 5. If a 6 is rolled then for each living family member, another one is added therefore doubling the amount of living family members.
add this to rule 11, hordes
no living family member can be created with the same name as any other living family member or zombie/other form of a person/dead family member (zombies/other form of a person/dead family member limitations only in place IF they are in the GNDT with names)

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