Proposal: No Eternal Hiatus [Trivial]
Give Simon and Quazie 3 Brains each.
In the rule 10 - Victory and Ascension, change:
In the same rule, add:
No Horde shall gain any bonus for enacting or authoring this Proposal.
Self-Kill. Failed by Chronos
In the rule 10 - Victory and Ascension, change:
If no clear decision is reached after 24 hours, the Overlord may optionally step in and decide the win's legality.
If no clear decision is reached after 24 hours, the Overlord may optionally step in and decide the win's legality; if he/she fails to do so in another 24 hours, the win is considered legal.
In the same rule, add:
If 48 hours passes after the end of a Dynasty and the new Overlord posts no Ascension Address to the BlogNomic weblog, all rules, except Rules 1-10 and 99, are repealed and all currently Pending Proposals are considered Vetoed. The failure of said proposals shall incur no Thaler penalty for the proposer. The Hiatus period then ends and a Meta-Dynasty period commences.
No Horde shall gain any bonus for enacting or authoring this Proposal.

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