Proposal: Protagonists
Add a rule, Protagonists:
I tried to make it shorted, but this covers just about everything I wanted.
For the record, I don't expect it to pass.
Reached Quorum. Enacted by Knightking Dec 16 2004.
There are a number of humans who have successively failed to be eaten, beating back the zombie horde at every turn. They have attained a kind of legendary status, both amoungst the remaining humans, and amoungst the zombies that face them. They have their own player fields in the GNDT, have Health (which is tracked under Brains) and may change location as detailed below.
Each Protagonist has their own, seperate, characteristics that are tracked at the bottom of this rule. However, all Protagonists have the following characteristics:
* All other humans in the same location as a Protagonist gain +1 to both their Fighting Spirit and their Confidence.
* When they are killed by a Horde, that Horde gains 5 Zombies and 25 Brains.
Protagonists may be attacked by Hordes by posting a comment to the GNDT, reading "Protagonist: DICE". If the result of the roll is 1-3, then the Protagonist looses Brains equal to the Horde's number of zombies multiplied by the dice roll. If the result in 4-6, the Horde looses Zombies equal to that result. When the Protagonist is reduced to 0 Brains, it is dead and can be deleted from this rule and the GNDT.
Protagonists may have their locations changed by any Horde in the same location, no more than once per day. This is done by a comment of "Move on: DICE" to the GNDT; a result of 1-3 means that the attempt fails, but on a roll of 4-6, the Protagonist is moved to the location of the Horde's choice. If all Protagonists are in the same location, then a roll of 6 moves them all to the same location.
* Sturdy - gains 100 extra Brains on enactment, but his death makes all humans easier to kill - when this Protagonist dies, all Hordes gain 1 extra zombie, and the Horde that kills him gains 10 Brains.
* Reformed - has been a zombie in the past, and thus knows their tricks. Any time she would loose Brains, she looses one less. Killing her causes all other Protagonists to loose 25 Health; the killing Horde gains any benefits for killing further Protagonists in this manner.
* Friends - has several friendly Humans with him. Any time Shaun kills Zombies, the target Horde looses one extra zombie. However, when Shaun dies, the human population in his location decreases by 5% (rounded down), and the killing Horde gains Brains equal to the same amount.
Alex Roivas
* Magic User - the first attack of each day against this Protagonist fails, with no penalty to the attacking Horde except that that Horde may not attack her again that day. Any successful attack does 10 more Health damage to this Protagonist.
I tried to make it shorted, but this covers just about everything I wanted.
For the record, I don't expect it to pass.

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