Proposal: Attributes
In Rule 11 – The World, change:
To the end of the same rule, add:
Timed out, 3-6, with 1 deferential. Failed by Angry Grasshopper, 2nd of June, at 16:35.
A number of Organisations exist, each with a Name, and a Reality Index signifying the extent of their interaction with the world (with a minimum of zero).
Illuminati may control any number of Organisations. This control is tracked as a list in a single GNDT field for each Illuminati, with the Reality Indices given in brackets after each Organisation. (If a Reality Index changes for an Organisation, all lists it appears in must be updated.)
Initially, Illuminati control no Organisations. An Illuminatus may spend X points of its own Influence, where X is at least 12, to create a new Organisation with a Reality Index of X, and gain control of it (provided that that Organisation is not currently under the control of another Illuminatus).
A number of Organisations exist, each with a Name, a Reality Index signifying the extent of their interaction with the world (with a minimum of zero) and an Attributes List (defaulting to “None”).
Illuminati may control any number of Organisations. This control is tracked as a list in a single GNDT field for each Illuminati, with the Reality Indices and Attributes Lists given in brackets and separated by slashes after each Organisation. (If a Reality Index and/or Attribute List changes for an Organisation, all lists it appears in must be updated.)
Initially, Illuminati control no Organisations. An Illuminatus may spend X points of its own Influence, where X is at least 12, to create a new Organisation with a Reality Index of X, and gain control of it (provided that that Organisation is not currently under the control of another Illuminatus).
To the end of the same rule, add:
Whenever an Attribute is found in an Organisation’s Attribute List, the Controller of said Organisation is allowed to take some Special Game Actions, and/or that Organisation may be the subject of Special Game Actions taken by other Illuminati, as described in this rule.
Currently, the valid Attributes and the game actions they allow are:
* None - An Organisation having the “None” Attribute grants no Special Game Actions to its Controller, nor it can be the subject of a Special Game Action. At any time, if an Organisation has no Attributes, it shall be given the “None” Attribute. At any time, if an Organisation with the “None” Attribute gains another Attribute, it shall lose the “None” Attribute.

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