Proposal: Playing the Stock Market
I humbly submit that the economic health of The Republic is tied to its stock market, and that all aspects of The Republic are tied to its economy somehow.
If this proposal passes, the blockquoted text will be added as a rule entitled "The Stock Market"
Enacted 7-5, reaches quorum. Enacted by Angry Grasshopper, 12th of July at 19:54.
If this proposal passes, the blockquoted text will be added as a rule entitled "The Stock Market"
A Stock Update post is an official post with the subject "Stock Update". A Disciple may make a Stock Update post often, as long as no other Stock Update post has been made that day.
A Stock Update post must begin either with the phrase "Stocks Are Up" or "Stocks Are Down". A post beginning with the phrase "Stocks Are Up" is a Stocks Are Up post. A post beginning with the phrase "Stocks Are Down" is a Stocks Are Down post.
A Stocks Are Up post may only be made at a time when the Athens Exchange (ATHEX) General Index is up at least 2% on its previous close value. A Stocks Are Down post may only be made at a time when this index's value is down at least 2% on its previous close value. The information source for the index's value will be the website . This paragraph of this rule is enforced under The Honor System.
If, at any point during the game, the present information source becomes unavailable, the Philosopher-King may select an alternative (but equivalent) source of information about the ATHEX General Index. If no replacement can be found, this rule is automatically repealed.
Within 24 hours of a Stocks Are Up post, a Disciple may once increase each of their aspects by 1, citing the stock market somehow in the comment field of their GNDT change. Within 72 hours of a Stocks Are Down post, a Disciple must once decrease each of their aspects by 1, citing the stock market somehow in the comment field of their GNDT change. This paragraph of this rule is enforced under The Honor System.

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