Proposal: The Anti-Thing serum
[This gives those lucky enough to choose the shotgun the option to be released of thinghood OR prevents one instance of further thinghood.]
In rule 17, weapondry, change
Also, enact a new rule "Anti-Thing Serum" that states
Failed by Mat Jan 10; 20:35
In rule 17, weapondry, change
"6=Option of shotgun or Anti-Thing Serum (see rule Anti-Thing Serum)"
Also, enact a new rule "Anti-Thing Serum" that states
Upon searching for a weapon (as detailed in rule 17), if a lifeform rolls two consecutive 6's (the first for finding a weapon and the second to have the shotgun choice), he or she has the option of finding either a shotgun or an Anti-Thing Serum in the base. The serum, as left by the previous researchers, is labelled to "Protect one from becoming a thing" and "to cure Thingness". If the lifeform who finds the serum is a Thing, he or she has the option of turning human again. If this lifeform is in fact already human, he or she may continue to possess the Anti-Thing Serum until it is needed to rid one of Thinghood (the are successfully attacked by a Thing.)
Unlike the weapons, there is an infinite amount of Anti-Thing Serum hiding in the base for those lucky enough to roll two consecutive 6's. If the shotgun is no longer an option (a lifeform already possesses it, the Anti-Thing serum is acquired by default.

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