Proposal: Seance You're Gone
The Radio has noticed that these Things have started appearing, and has delivered some equipment to help the Researchers... or at least that's what they think. An unmarked helicopter came and dropped off some cardboard boxes. Inside, there were these strange electronic devices. When one of the researchers picked one up, he was immediately covered in a flickering blue glow. He appeared to cry out in surprise, but no words came out. When he put the device down, the glow went away and he was able to talk.
I propose to add a rule, titled "Isolation Devices"-
Failed by Mat Jan 10; 18:34
I propose to add a rule, titled "Isolation Devices"-
There exist items called Isolation Devices. They may be picked up and put down at any time. When the radio decides to deliver one to the Reseachers, it is dropped off outside. The Radio may do this at any time. Any Researcher holding one is immune to all forms of attack and weather damage. Diseases cannot be contracted (though their effects still occur, if already infected) while carrying an Isolation Device, nor can transfusions be attempted. The carrier of a Device cannot propose, due to the fact that he or she cannot speak, and his or her Hersch Value increases permanently by 2 points for every action, after the third, he or she takes while carrying it. You gain 3 Hersch for putting down an Isolation Device. An action consists of:
Changing Location
Picking Something Up
Putting Something Down

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