Proposal: Cayvie's Legacy [trivial] [Law]
There's a typo in the Ruleset which normally wouldn't require a Proposal to correct -- but I've been advised that this is an exception.
Rule 9, Dynasties, in granting the Man veto power, says he has "the following statuss". Once upon a time, this read "the following powers", and gave the Man the ability to change the color scheme and veto things. But when Joranj acceded, all instances of the word "Power" in the ruleset got changed to "Status." And suddenly, the Man did not, technically, have veto power.
Is it a typo? Probably. But there's a chance that Cayvie set this up intentionally. If so, Cayvie, I tip my hat to you -- but we need to put it back the way it was.
Amend the phrase "the following statuss" in Rule 9, Dynasties to "the following powers."
Passed by Keitalia, 6:31 am GMT 2/7/2004.
Rule 9, Dynasties, in granting the Man veto power, says he has "the following statuss". Once upon a time, this read "the following powers", and gave the Man the ability to change the color scheme and veto things. But when Joranj acceded, all instances of the word "Power" in the ruleset got changed to "Status." And suddenly, the Man did not, technically, have veto power.
Is it a typo? Probably. But there's a chance that Cayvie set this up intentionally. If so, Cayvie, I tip my hat to you -- but we need to put it back the way it was.
Amend the phrase "the following statuss" in Rule 9, Dynasties to "the following powers."

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