Proposal: Get your skates on, mate [LAW]
You all know what this is part of.
Create a second GNDT. Create a rule, entitled Codenames:
If Proposal: Mob Names passes, remove the following paragraph from rule 13:
Passed by Keitalia, 11:46 pm GMT 2/6/2004. Codename GNDT link is setup.
Create a second GNDT. Create a rule, entitled Codenames:
There is a second GNDT, set up with a Codename for each Policeman and Mobster. Policemen may email their codenames to the Man; Mobsters may email their codename to the Don. Civilians may have codenames, which they may email to either the Man or the Don.
The Codename GNDT is used to store information about Mobsters and Policemen while operating under codenames. If a Policeman or Mobster takes any action that requires them to use a codename then the effects on themselves are recorded in the Codename GNDT. Any actions that would affect their normal username continues to be recorded in the real-name GNDT.
Create a field on the second GNDT entitled 'Status.' Status on the codename GNDT is initially set to zero and is always expressed as +x or -x.
If at any point a Policeman or Mobster's code name is revealed, it ceases to exist. The Person may transfer all values form their Code-name to their real name exacly, except where specified here. If their codename is revealed or discovered, the Person may apply the value of their Codename status, -10% (rounded down), to their real name status. Any Person may choose to reveal their own codename at any time; if they choose to do this, they may apply their codename status value +10% to their Person Status.
Any field that exists in one GNDT must exist in the other.
Once specified, a code name cannot be changed. Once a Person's code name is revealed, they may not create a new code name for at least 5 days. Following this period, they can create a new code name by emailing either the Don or the Man respectively. Continued failure to maintain code-name secrecy may result in a drop in status, at the respective leaders' descresion.
If Proposal: Mob Names passes, remove the following paragraph from rule 13:
Each Mobster has a Mob Name - a pseudonym which The Don may use to refer to them in public without betraying their identity (and which allows past game behaviour to be tracked and verified, once the Dynasty ends or an identity is otherwise revealed). A Mob Name may not be changed once chosen.

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