Proposal: Short whistly bit [LAW]
Create a rule, entitled City Locations:
Passed by Keitalia, 12:06 am GMT 2/7/2004.
Each Person's location is tracked in the GNDTs, and any player can change their location at any time. The value in the Codename GNDT and the realname GNDT can differ, allowing for alibis and misdirecton; however, unless there is a specific reason stipulated as involving codenames in the ruleset (such as a Jobs rule, should one pass), the Codename's GNDT location must always be About Town. The following significant locations exist in the city:
The City Hall
The Bank
The Speakeasy
The Bordello - All Persons in the Bordello gain 5 Status every 6 hours. They may not stay in the Bordello for longer than 24 hours, and may not visit it more than once every 5 days. If they exceed the 24 hour limit, they may be moved by any other player to the About Town location.
The Don's Mansion
The Police Station
The River
High Street
About Town
Upon enactment of this rule, all Persons are moved to About Town.

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