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Friday, April 02, 2004

Call for Judgment

A little while ago, Kevan undid a number of the GNDT alterations I made for Homesickness:
Kevan's Morale = 146 (was 140), est's Morale = 140 (was 134), Axiallus's Morale = 150 (was 143), TrumanCapote's Morale = 98 (was 91), Dunam's Morale = 161 (was 154), Aaron's Morale = 132 (was 128)
His argument:
(At the time of processing, Captains and Warriors were immune to the global effect of Homesicknes.)

At the time of processing, however, the rule for deducting Morale as a result of Homesickness read as such (as it does at the time of this posting):
At the end of each Lacuna the Poet will deduct Morale from each Mariner, dependent upon their current Ship's Distance value.
I read this as being an effect on the level of each Mariner in turn, not a global effect. I suggest that we reapply the Homesickness penalties to Kevan, est, Axiallus, TrumanCapote, Dunam, and Aaron.

What say the people of the Blog?

They say no Failed 0 to 10 by Satyr Eyes at 10:05 GMT, 04.04.2004. Sorry to have wasted everyone's time.