Proposal: Calm Down [trivial]
Watching Brother ChinDoGu and Sister Keitalia working their magicks, I can't help but feel that Poseidon may be... how do I say this... way too powerful.
In Rule 13, revise the sentence "The result is known as the Prayer Roll - on a 4, 5 or 6, the prayer is answered, as defined in that God's description." to read:
Failed 5 to 8 by Satyr Eyes at 23:47 GMT, 04.05.2004. -2 to Satyr Eyes.
In Rule 13, revise the sentence "The result is known as the Prayer Roll - on a 4, 5 or 6, the prayer is answered, as defined in that God's description." to read:
The result is known as the Prayer Roll - on a 4, 5, or 6, the Prayer is successful. The Prayer may be answered as defined in the appropriate God's description.Revise Poseidon's description in Rule 13 to read:
Poseidon, the god of the sea. A successful Prayer to Poseidon allows the Praying Mariner to increase or decrease any Captain's Speed by the Prayer Roll, until the new Lacuna starts. An unsuccessful Prayer to Poseidon, however, reduces the Praying Mariner's speed by twice the Prayer Roll.Gaining Distance is a very potent thing, and Poseidon is known for his temperamentality. This Proposal would reduce the average Distance gained by a Prayer to Poseidon from 2.5 to 0.5, which seems much more on par with the effects of the other Gods (increasing everyone's Morale by 4 to 6, for instance).

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