Proposal: Captain's Log, Stardate...
Create a new rule, "Logs", which reads:
Passed 8 to 2 by Satyr Eyes at 17:53 GMT, 04.05.2004. +12 to Satyr Eyes.
Not more than once per two Lacunae, each Mariner other than the Poet may post a Log Entry in the form of a comment to the Blog. Log Entries are clearly denoted as such in the comment's title (e.g. "Noman's Log: Dude, Where's My Ship?") and must describe some maritime happening involving the Mariner posting it (its "Protagonist"). If, at the end of the Lacuna, comments to that Log Entry contain a For vote from either the Poet or the Captain of a Ship other than the Protagonist's, the Protagonist gains 2 Morale.I don't want this Dynasty turning into a one-man literary journal, and I for one am dying to see what's happening on these Ships without having to come up with it myself!
If during a Lacuna all Mariners aboard a Ship post Log Entries that receive such For votes, the Captain of that Ship gains 10 Morale; additionally, all Mariners on that Ship are exempt from Homesickness penalties at the end of that Lacuna, as the ship's community is so intimate that its crew barely misses home.

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