Proposal: Drums, drums in the deep
Add a new ailment to the list of ailments:
And add a new rule to the ruleset, Depression:
And add to rule 15, Actions, under the action Feast,
Enacted 11 to 0 by Cayvie @ 16:44, 04.09.2004. +12 to Cayvie.
Depression: A Mariner with Depression has a speed of 1 less than his or her normal speed, and a -1 penalty to any rolls he or she makes.
And add a new rule to the ruleset, Depression:
When a sailor is out on the open sea, staring at miles upon miles of flat, blue waters and rocking, rocking, incessantly rocking, it can be tough to keep one's spirits up. At the end of each Lacuna (at the same time Homesickness is applied), the Poet should give the ailment, Depression, to the mariner with the lowest Morale who does not already have the Ailment Depression or Undead.
And add to rule 15, Actions, under the action Feast,
All mariners on the ship with the Ailment Depression immediately lose that ailment.

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