Proposal: Passing the Olive Branch Crown
In Rule 10, Victory and Ascension, revise the last sentence of the paragraph:
Between the third and fourth paragraphs of Rule 10, add a new paragraph:
Failed 5 to 7 by Cayvie @ 23:53, 04.07.2004. -3 to Satyr Eyes, +1 to Cayvie.
If a Mariner believes that they have achieved the victory conditions for the current Dynasty, they may post a Declaration of Victory to the BlogNomic weblog. At this point, BlogNomic immediately goes into Hiatus, during which no other game actions (including other victory claims) may be read:
At this point, BlogNomic immediately goes into Hiatus, during which no other game actions (including other victory claims) may be taken, except as specifically outlined later in this Rule.
Between the third and fourth paragraphs of Rule 10, add a new paragraph:
The winner of the Dynasty as determined above is called the Victor. The Victor may choose to become the next Poet. If he chooses not to do so, he must post a Blog entry during the Hiatus with the subject line "Who Wants to Be a Poet?" Any Mariner other than the Victor who replies to the entry with a comment containing the text string "I do" is an Applicant. Before the end of the Hiatus, the Victor must select an Applicant (if one exists) to become the next Poet. Upon so doing the Victor gains 20 Morale and may not post another blog entry with this subject line for the remainder of the Hiatus.This is more of a thought than a strongly-held position. I'm a bit concerned that people aren't playing as competitively as they should because they don't want to have to run the next Dynasty. This proposal would give such people a lucrative "out" and encourage playing to win.

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