Proposal: The Return Of The Dead
In rule 22 reword the ailment Ghost Ship to:
And create a new ailment in Rule 22:
Create a new rule:
Passed 8 to 0 by Keitalia @ 17:56, 04.07.2004. +12 to Keitalia.
*Ghost Ship: Once a ship has contracted this ailment, the ailment 'Abandoned' is no longer in effect. Only Mariners with 0 or less morale are to be transferred to a Ghost Ship regardless of distance. Ships with this ailment are under the control of the Poet and do not have a Battle Strength regardless of the Morale of its Mariners.
And create a new ailment in Rule 22:
*Undead: Once a Mariner has reached 0 Morale they are transferred to a Ghost Ship of the Poet's choosing regardless of distance. Upon the transfer, the remaining Mariners that are left behind on the Ship lose 10 Morale each. Mariners with this ailment are immune to all other ailments including homesickness and starvation (Morale loss due to lack of supplies). An 'Undead' Mariner aboard a Ghost Ship may perform the 'Curse' once per Lacuna. This is done by making the comment in the GNDT of 'Curse You: DICE'. The Curse is successful if the dice rolls a 4 or 5. If the Mariner has 15+ Morale and rolls a 6 they are instantly transferred to the Target Ship and lose the ailment of 'Undead'.
Create a new rule:
Ghost Ships have been known to wander the open sea. Ghost Ships do not have Captains or Battle Strength. Instead the Poet is in control of the Ghost Ship and may issue a declaration of attack or may order the Ghost Ship to sail at any integer of speed. The crew of a Ghost Ship is made up of Mariners with the ailment 'Undead'. (See Rule 22 under Undead.)
Attack: Once per Lacuna, each Ghost Ship may declare an attack against a Ship with the orders of SAIL, IDLE or FEAST regardless of the distance between the two. Ghost Ships may not be attacked by non-Ghost Ships. Ghost Ships can only use Massacre as its only attack type. When attacking, Ghost Ships do not roll for attack or defense.
The Ritual: An attack by a Ghost Ship may be countered by a successful Ritual. A Priest aboard the Target Ship has 12 hours to perform the Ritual after a declaration of attack has been made. The Ritual is considered to be in effect for 12 hours after it has been successfully performed by the Priest. If the Ritual is still in effect or if it has been successfully performed within the allotted time, the Ghost Ship may not attack the Target Ship.
The Curse: A Ritual may be countered by a successful Curse. Once a Target Ship's Priest has successfully performed a Ritual, a Mariner aboard the attacking Ghost Ship may perform the 'Curse'. This must be done within 12 hours of the performance of the Ritual. If the Curse was successful, the Ritual is ignored and the attack by the Ghost Ship continues upon the Target Ship. If there is more than one Ghost Ship in play a Priest may react to a successful Curse with another Ritual.

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