CFJ: Generically Inflammatory Title
Smith has behaved illegally in influencing Aaron's vote. At the time Smith dominated Aaron, Smith's Allegiance was set to Ben.
"Once Dominated, the Allegiance of a Horde, as well as the Allegiance of all Hordes who held Allegiance to that Horde, is changed to the Allegiance of the Dominating Horde."
This obviously means that he should have changed Aaron's allegiance to Ben, instead of to Smith.
And, as the rule clearly states "Once per day, a Horde may attempt to exert its influence over a single Horde it has Dominated. It does this by making a comment in the GNDT of "Influence [HordeName?]: DICE" where [HordeName?] is the name of a Horde whose Allegiance is set to the Horde making the comment." Smith couldn't attempt to Influence Aaron, and committed an illegal action in doing so.
This CFJ is to change the gamestate back to the way it was before Smith attempted to Influence Aaron, change Aaron's Allegiance to Ben, and fail Proposal: Tis the Season for Resetting, as Knightking has cast a Veto vote on it, that would have gone through had Smith not done his illegal action.
0-8. Call for Judgement Fails. Failed by Smith, 31st of Dec.
"Once Dominated, the Allegiance of a Horde, as well as the Allegiance of all Hordes who held Allegiance to that Horde, is changed to the Allegiance of the Dominating Horde."
This obviously means that he should have changed Aaron's allegiance to Ben, instead of to Smith.
And, as the rule clearly states "Once per day, a Horde may attempt to exert its influence over a single Horde it has Dominated. It does this by making a comment in the GNDT of "Influence [HordeName?]: DICE" where [HordeName?] is the name of a Horde whose Allegiance is set to the Horde making the comment." Smith couldn't attempt to Influence Aaron, and committed an illegal action in doing so.
This CFJ is to change the gamestate back to the way it was before Smith attempted to Influence Aaron, change Aaron's Allegiance to Ben, and fail Proposal: Tis the Season for Resetting, as Knightking has cast a Veto vote on it, that would have gone through had Smith not done his illegal action.

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