Proposal: Balancing Act
[Since Logic will be used to win the game, we should balance the service groups abilities to gain Logic. Alphas can gain Logic easily. Betas have a more roundabout method: they can repeatedly take Speedy, healing their lost Logic as they go, and finally take Slowy to convert the DPs into a big boost of Logic.]
Change the Alpha and Beta Service Group descriptions in Rule 17 to:
Change the Drug descriptions in Rule 20 to:
In Rule 16 change the description of the Nanotechnological Drug Synthesizer:
[Here is a way to improve DP which won't translate into Logic:]
Add an Ambulatory Routine to Rule 31:
[And finally, I don't like Betas and Epsilons being the only ones who can move crewmembers, now that we have bounties.]
Add this to Rule 12:
Failed 1-9. Failed by smith, 11th of May at 12:06.
Change the Alpha and Beta Service Group descriptions in Rule 17 to:
The Alpha Group consists of programmers, navigators, and machine operators. If two pieces of Machinery respond to the same Action, a member of the Alpha Group may, instead of having the Machinery in eir Location react to eir Action, remotely operate the other piece of Machinery instead. This does not work if the Machinery on either end is Damaged or Locked.
The Beta Group consists of nurses, doctors, and medics. By spending 2 Action Points a Beta Group member can use eir medikit to either change the Vitality of a Crewmember in the same Location from Stunned to Healthy, or create a single dose of a drug listed in the Wonder Drugs rule, which they can use on emselves or administer to another Crewmember in the same Location.
Change the Drug descriptions in Rule 20 to:
- Speedy: The Crewmember using or being administered a dose of Speedy adds 2 to eir Action Points.
- Slowy: The Crewmember using or being administered a dose of Slowy subtracts 2 from eir Action Points.
- Saner: The Crewmember using or being administered Saner adds 10 to eir Logic if they have Space Madness. If that removes the Space Madness that Crewmember's DP is set to 3 if greater than three, and e becomes Stunned if e is Healthy.
In Rule 16 change the description of the Nanotechnological Drug Synthesizer:
Nanotechnological Drug Synthesizer [Sickbay, Crew Dorms] A Crewmember who is Turning the Knobs here may create up to three doses of a drug described in the Ruleset by stating the desired one in the GNDT comments field. Drugs may be used or administered in the place they are created (this costs no AP) and are disintegrated if the Crewmember who created it moves elsewhere.
[Here is a way to improve DP which won't translate into Logic:]
Add an Ambulatory Routine to Rule 31:
Sleep Reduction Routine - Increase the Daily Points of all Crewmembers in the Ambulatory by 1, unless that Crewmember already has 8 DP or more.
[And finally, I don't like Betas and Epsilons being the only ones who can move crewmembers, now that we have bounties.]
Add this to Rule 12:
A Crewmember may drag a Stunned, Wounded or Dead Crewmember with them when moving to a Location by spending an additional 2 Action Points.

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