Proposal: Two weeks of shore leave and then you're AWOL
Salutations, crew! I am pleased to announce that I have, with your assistance, successfully diagnosed and repaired the Caine's propulsion control system. If my calculations are correct, we will emerge from non-Euclidean space in 15 days, outside of a system that has three habitable colonized bodies. Please relax and enjoy the remainder of your stay on the vessel.
On the passage of this proposal, add a timer on the side bar of the front page titled "Euclidean Space in: T days", to be placed beneath "Oldest pending proposal". Set T to 15. Each day after the passage of this proposal, decrement the value of T by one.
Add to rule 28, "Victory"
Change rule 13, "The Computer Is Never Wrong" from
Passed 9-5 (Timed Out). Enacted by smith, 11th of May at 2:42.
On the passage of this proposal, add a timer on the side bar of the front page titled "Euclidean Space in: T days", to be placed beneath "Oldest pending proposal". Set T to 15. Each day after the passage of this proposal, decrement the value of T by one.
Add to rule 28, "Victory"
If the value of T in the sidebar timer is legally set to zero or a negative number, then any Crewmember (excepting the Computer) who is alive may declare victory if eir Logic score is strictly greater than the Logic scores of all of other non-Dead Crewmembers.
If T is legally decremented to zero and two or more living Crewmembers are tied for the highest Logic score, then the first one to correctly answer a Computer Sequence (in the Computer's estimation) may declare victory.
Change rule 13, "The Computer Is Never Wrong" from
Every Crew Member, including the Computer, has a Logic rating, tracked in the GNDT. This may be any integer value from -60 to 60. New Crew Members start with a Logic rating of 15.
A Crewmember or Computer with a negative Logic rating has Space Madness.
Every Crew Member, including the Computer, has a Logic rating, tracked in the GNDT. This may be any integer value from -360 to 360. New Crew Members start with a Logic rating of 15.
A Crewmember or Computer with a negative Logic rating has Space Madness.

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