Tentative Powers: Manchester United Football Club
The Illuminatus who controls the Manchester United Football Club gains or loses wealth and prestige based on the Football Season results. Once per week the controlling Illuminatus may post a Season Target Number (STN) to the blog, where the STN must be equal or less than the controller's Influence. One to three days later, e must roll DICE(STN+R) in the GNDT, where R is the Reality Index of the Manchester United Football Club. If the result of the roll exceeds the STN then the Illuminatus may gain STN Influence, if not then the Illuminatus loses STN Influence.
Note from Chronos: As this post doesn't start with "The Illuminatus who controls Manchester United Football Club may", it's not a valid Tentative Power, even with Rodney voting for it. If Someone disagree, please CfJ.

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