Proposal: Another Action Template
Add a rule titled: Bids for Power:-
If Supporter Lists do not exist, replace instances of "Supporter List" with "Official List".
Passed 3-2. Timed out with a pathetic number of votes cast. Enacted by smith, 8th of June at 16:10.
An Illuminatus may, once per day, make a type of Bid, which must be defined in the ruleset, by posting to the blog in a format as defined for that type of Bid.The text in the curly braces is conditional. If the Rule Hidden Values exists, keep it, otherwise remove it.
Up to 24 hours after the Bid is posted it is in an Open state and any Illuminatus may affect the Bid by commenting with any number of FOR or AGAINST votes, each of which must be accompanied by a positive number. {This number may be a Hidden Value.} This is known as the Support Influence or Opposition Influence which has been applied to that Bid, as matched with a FOR or an AGAINST vote, respectively. The total sum of all of an Illuminatus' Support and Opposition Influence applied to all Open Bids must be less than or equal to eir current Influence.
After 24 hours, the Open state of the Bid is over and it becomes Closed, during which time no more Influence can be applied to it. {Hidden Influence Values may be revealed at this time.}
After 24 hours of being Closed the Bid may be resolved by any Illuminatus. If the total amount of Support Influence is greater than the total amount of Opposition Influence, the Bid is successful, otherwise it has failed. In either case, each Illuminatus has its Influence reduced by the amount of Support Influence or Opposition Influence it applied. {If a Hidden Value was not revealed by this time then the Illuminatus who posted it loses an amount of Influence equal to the largest individual Support Influence or Opposition Influence amount, but this is a penalty and has no effect on the Bid outcome.}
Types of Bids:
Bid for Membership. Any Illuminatus may post a "Bid for Membership: [Target Organisation]" If it is successful the Illuminatus is added to the Supporter List for that Organisation.
Bid for Control. An Illuminatus who is in an Organisation's Supporter List may post a "Bid for Control: [Target Organisation]" If it is successful the Illuminatus becomes a controller of that Organisation.
If Supporter Lists do not exist, replace instances of "Supporter List" with "Official List".

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