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Append to rule 11 (The World) the following subsection:
Passed 6-0 (idle votes dropped). Timed Out. Enacted by smith, 5th of June at 20:47.
Rule 11.1: Hostile Takeovers
If organisations exist which do not have a controller, for whatever reason, then any Illuminatus may make a post to the BlogNomic front page with the title "Hostile Takeover: N", where N is any number of influence, and the name of an uncontrolled organisation in the body of the post. Any other Illuminatus may respond in a comment with a comment with a number greater than all numbers posted so far to that thread, and this may be done any number of times.
When 24 hours have elapsed since a comment has been posted, the Hostile Takeover is resolved as follows: first, the highest bid is considered. If the Illuminatus who bid that number has more influence than eir bid, eir influence is reduced by eir bid and e gains control of the organisation. If eir bid is greater than eir influence, eir influence is set to zero, and the next highest bid is considered in the same manner, i.e. the highest bidder loses all eir influence and does not gain control of the organisation. All people who bid on the auction are added to the offical list of the organisation, which is then sent to the new controller by the Illuminatus Rex.
If the organisation is uncontrolled because the controller became idle, and the controller later becomes active again, e gains a number of influence equal to the number lost by the bidders making a takeover of eir organisations, and is automatically added to the Offical List of the Organisation.

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