Proposal: The Switch
Create a new rule of number 98, entitled "The Switch" and reading as follows:
This can be a convenient way to plan and organize The Switch and to let everyone know well in advance. Suggestions welcome.
Self-failed. Failed by smith, 6th of June at 16:08.
BlogNomic is preparing to migrate from Blog*Spot to its own webspace at This rule dictates the manner in which this migration, henceforth called "The Switch," takes place.
This rule may not be repealed by an ascending Illuminatus Rex, but may otherwise be amended or repealed by normal BlogNomic procedures. This paragraph takes precedence over any rule giving ascending Illuminati Rex repeal power.
This rule may contain uniquely numbered sections called "Phases". Each Phase will list rule changes pertinent to The Switch. These changes must be enacted according to the following guidelines and procedures.
- To "enact" a Phase is to simultaneously enact of all of that Phase's listed rule changes.
- Any Illuminatus may stipulate in a Proposal that specific Phases should be enacted. Illuminati are strongly encouraged to word such Proposals to SCHEDULE those Phases for enactment at the conclusion of the current dynasty, rather than to enact them directly. Phases may be enacted during Hiatuses; this sentence takes precedence over Rule 9.
- Any technical facilities required by a Phase must be fully functional and properly synchronized with the game BEFORE such Proposals are made. Illuminati should test this for themselves before voting FOR these Proposals, and they are encouraged to talk with the person(s) responsible for implementing that Phase of The Switch.
- Phases need not be enacted sequentially. However, a Phase may dictate that it must be enacted before, with, or after any other Phase(s).
- A Phase may dictate any other conditions that must be met before its own enactment.
This can be a convenient way to plan and organize The Switch and to let everyone know well in advance. Suggestions welcome.

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