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Thursday, December 04, 2003

Proposal: Colony Seed Ships

General changes:
  • change all references to "Trade shipyard" to "Civilian Shipyard"
  • change all references to "Combat shipyard" to "Starfleet Shipyard"

In Rule #15 - "Infrastructure":
  • add the following ship-building option under "Civilian Shipyard" :
    Colony Seed Ships allow the colonisation of uninhabited Planets, and can be built at a cost of 50 Mega-Credits. Colony Seed Ships take 48hrs to complete.
  • add "24hrs to construct" after the cost of each existing Infrastructure point.
  • change
    and can be built at a cost of 10 Mega-Credits
    can be built at a cost of 10 Mega-Credits, and take 8hrs to complete.

I'm working on the "How will we use these Colony Seed Ships?" question at the moment.

Failed by est @ 8th Dec. -5 to est, +2 to est. (-3 net)