Proposal: A Cat's Eye for That Augie [trivial]
If Rule: Gewgaws passes, add the following after the third paragraph:
Sorcerers may wish to Trade Gewgaws among themselves for favors, Spells or other Gewgaws. Trades are often offered privately, but may be negotiated anywhere.
To initiate a Trade, a Sorcerer may remove a Gewgaw from his or her Inventory, noting in the GNDT the name of the Gewgaw and the Sorcerer to whom it is being offered (a Sorcerer may not name himself or herself in this way). After this note is posted, that Sorcerer has 24 hours to claim the Gewgaw offered and add it to his or her Inventory. If the 24 hours expire and the Gewgaw has not been claimed, it is considered destroyed.

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