Proposal: Let's Play A Game [Mob]
If 'Short whistly bit' passes, add a new city location:
Create a new rule: Casino
Add a new category in the GNDT called Hooch. Nominations will begin once this proposal is passed, this is done by posting a blog entry. If "Root of all evil" fails or is repealed, remove all Cash references and replace them with Status; remove the phrase "and Cash (beginning at $500)". In the second paragraph remove the phrases: '$150', '$125' and '$10' and replace with: '20 Status', '15 Status' and '5 Status'.
I'd appreciate any comments/questions/suggestions before voting. Upcoming games: Horse (sorta like poker), Knucklebones, and Slot Machine. All games brought to you by: Dungeon Masters Guide (1st edition) by Gary Gygax, copyright 1979 - TSR Games.
Enacted by Keitalia, 6:36 am GMT 2/7/2004.
Create a new rule: Casino
Inconspicuously disguised as a club; the Casino offers various games that allow Persons to gamble on the chance of increasing their cash flow and hooch is also available for sale. The Casino is run through the main GNDT. The Casino has a Status (beginning at 50), a hooch inventory and Cash (beginning at $500) which is tracked in the GNDT. The hooch in the Casino’s Inventory is considered hidden until a bust occurs.
Upon opening, the Casino may sell hooch to its patrons for $150 per unit and purchase hooch for $125 per unit from a Person. However, each patron who wishes to obtain hooch must purchase a license stating that all purchases of hooch is to remain on the premises for $10.
Casino Busts By The Man
If a Policeman has evidence that The Casino is currently taking part in illegal activities (Gambling) they may file a report to The Man. The Man may order a bust, demand a bribe by emailing the Casino Manager or ignore it completely. After receiving the report The Man may post a comment in the GNDT "This is a bust!"; however this must be must take place within 10 minutes of the illegal activity. All Persons within the Casino at the time of a bust (including Casino Manager) loses 10 Status and the Casino Manager can be put into jail or left with a hefty cash fine (Max: 1/2 current Casino cash). The Man may choose to reward the policeman 10 Status for contacting him. After the bust takes place, the hooch in the Casino's inventory is revealed to the Man. Busts cannot occur when the Casino is closed.
Casino Manager
The Casino Manager is a Person with no traceable mob or police connections that oversees all Casino activities. In order to open and close the Casino Manager must post a comment in the GNDT. The Manager does not participate in games. If the Manager is arrested by The Man, Casino activities stop until the Manager is released or bailed out. A Person may nominate themselves and have a second in the nomination and must have the approval of The Don.
Once the Casino is declared open, the Manager may chose the game(s) to offer the patrons for the purpose of gambling. Persons can register to play a game that is being offered by making a comment in the GNDT. All bets are handled by the Manager. All bets are in Cash denominations and there is no limit to the amount a Person can bet. All losing bets are added to the Casino's Cash. Current games available are:
*Craps Shoot:
The shooter wins on a first roll (2d6 or DICE DICE) of 7 or 11, or loses on 2, 3 or 12. Otherwise the shooter rolls until the number first rolled is rolled a second time - a win - or a 7 is rolled - a loss. Shooters bet before rolling, as others may. Side bets may be made thereafter as applicable, if there are takers. (The fancy line play of modern casinos is ignored.) Once the shooter loses, the next player who signed up for the game becomes shooter. This is continued until all persons signed up for the game have had a turn. This game can be played by 2 or more Persons.
Add a new category in the GNDT called Hooch. Nominations will begin once this proposal is passed, this is done by posting a blog entry. If "Root of all evil" fails or is repealed, remove all Cash references and replace them with Status; remove the phrase "and Cash (beginning at $500)". In the second paragraph remove the phrases: '$150', '$125' and '$10' and replace with: '20 Status', '15 Status' and '5 Status'.
I'd appreciate any comments/questions/suggestions before voting. Upcoming games: Horse (sorta like poker), Knucklebones, and Slot Machine. All games brought to you by: Dungeon Masters Guide (1st edition) by Gary Gygax, copyright 1979 - TSR Games.

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