Proposal: Evolution
Add the following to the Advanced Jobs section of Rule 17: Jobs:
And amend this line from the jobs rule:
Passed 9 to 2 by Satyr Eyes at 23:38 GMT, 3.19.2004. +10 to Dunam, +2 to Satyr Eyes.
Advanced Jobs
Sailor. Once per lacuna, the sailor may make a GNDT comment "Sailing: DICE". That roll is known as the Sailing roll. On a sailing roll of 1 nothing happens. On a roll of 2 or 3 or 4 the speed of the sailor's captain is decreased by 2 until the next lacuna has started. On a roll of 5 or 6 the speed of the sailor's captain is increased by 5 until the next lacuna has started. A sailor also counts as deckhand. This is an advanced job for deckhands.
Hero. Has 1 speed. Once per lacuna, the hero may attempt a rescue and choose a ship within 10 distance to be the attacked ship. He must make one GNDT comment per rescue: "rescue [attacked ship]: DICE" where the name of the attacked ship is used within the brackets. If the roll is one, the hero is transferred to the attacked ship and emprisoned (if there aren't 3 emprisoned mariners on the attacked ship). If the roll is two, three, four, five or six, the hero may choose one imprisoned mariner on the attacked ship and transfer it to his or her ship. That mariner loses the imprisoned ailment.
A hero may increase the morale of any imprisoned mariner within 5 distance by 5 per lacuna.
This is an advanced job for deckhands and warriors.
Prophet. Once per lacuna, the Prophet may give 8 supplies of his or her ship to another ship within 10 distance. All mariners on that prophet's ship gain 5 morale. The prophet may not choose to do this if his or her ship has less than 8 supplies. A prophet also counts as a priest. This is an advanced job for Priests.
Sensate. When a sensate uses the priest ability to increase morale of a mariner that worships the same god, that marine's morale increases by 10. The priest sensate not gain morale from the priest ability. A sensate also counts as a priest. This is an advanced job for Priests.
Archer. Once per lacuna, the Archer may reduce the Morale of all Mariners on any other ship within 10 Distance of their own ship by 3 points. An archer also counts as a warrior. This is an advanced job for Deckhands and Warriors.
Pirate. Once per lacuna, the pirate may attempt a sneak and choose a ship within 10 distance to be the attacked ship. He must make one GNDT comment per sneak: "sneak [attacked ship]: DICE" where the name of the attacked ship is used within the brackets. If the roll is one, the pirate is transferred to the attacked ship and emprisoned (if there aren't 3 emprisoned mariners on the attacked ship). If the roll is two, three, four, five or six, the pirate takes 8 supplies (or all of the ship's supplies, whichever is less) of the attacked ship and add it to his or her ship.
A pirate may decrease the morale of an imprisoned mariner withing 5 distance by 5 per lacuna.
A pirate also counts as a warrior. This is an advanced job for Warriors.
And amend this line from the jobs rule:
Once the Mariner has occupied a basic job for two weeks, they may choose to move on to one of the relevant advanced jobs.
Once the Mariner has occupied a basic job for two weeks without occupying an advanced job, they may choose to move on to one of the relevant advanced jobs.

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