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Monday, March 15, 2004

The Red Star Rises

I've battle's lusty mayhem at my core!
Look on me, puny mortals, and despair!
Cry havoc, and let loose the God of War!

I ooze destruction from my every pore!
With brutal blade I lay my rivals bare!
I've battle's lusty mayhem at my core!

O, comb the dusty tomes of Greece's lore -
You'll find no soul to match my crimson flair!
Cry havoc, and let loose the God of War!

On screaming fields of glory caked with gore
I reign supreme, consummate legionnaire!
I've battle's lusty mayhem at my core!

I've no remorse, and justice I abhor -
Despite its label, "warfare" isn't fair!
Cry havoc, and let loose the God of War!

Let Ares' name ring out forevermore!
O Conquerors, now lift your hands in prayer!
I've battle's lusty mayhem at my core!
Cry havoc, and let loose the God of War!


...And Ares, ever loving a big entrance, enters the Pantheon. His description is:

Ares, god of warfare and hypermasculinity. A successful Prayer to Ares increases the effective Battle Strength of the Praying Mariner's Ship by 10% times the Prayer Roll, rounded down, until the Poet next finishes implementing Ships' Actions.