Proposal: Fool of a Took! [trivial]
If the Proposal "Drums, drums in the deep" passes, amend the Ailment "Depression" by changing the phrase "his or her normal speed" to "the Speed he or she would otherwise have". Further, amend the Rule "Depression" by changing the phrase "at the same time" to "immediately before".
And as long as we're plugging holes...
In the description of the Ailment Undeath, rephrase the first sentence to read:
Enacted 10 to 0 by Cayvie @ 16:44, 04.09.2004. +2 to Satyr Eyes +1 to Cayvie.
And as long as we're plugging holes...
In the description of the Ailment Undeath, rephrase the first sentence to read:
Once a Mariner has reached 0 Morale they are transferred to a Ghost Ship of the Poet's choosing regardless of distance and given the Ailment Undeath.(Do not include the emboldening of the text in the amendment.)

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