Proposal: Holy Cow [trivial]
At the huge speeds some of our Ships have been reaching -- kudos to their able Captains, by the way! -- it is not inconceivable that some Captains will try to bypass the Isle of the Sun completely. This would disproportionately disadvantage smaller ships which would have to stop at Circe's isle, Descend to the underworld, and employ their Foresight to survive the Isle of the Sun while their swifter competitors coasted right past it. And it seems a shame to let people reach Ithaca without surviving the greatest trial Odysseus and his men faced in song and story. Faster Ships should face the same trials as slower Ships; if anything, they should face more, as we agreed when we exempted the furthest-behind Ship from Sailing rolls. Hence:
In Rule 19, "Mariner's Map," change the Isle of the Sun's distance zone from "25-15" to "20-15". Add between the first and second full sentences of its description: "No Ship may have Distance less than 15 unless it has Resupplied here at least once; Ships that have not Resupplied here have their Distances set to 15 whenever their Distances would otherwise fall below 15."
The story reason: there's a storm brewing, and the Ship has to dock and wait it out. Same as in the source material.
Enacted 9 to 0 by Keitalia at 3:43 GMT, 04.13.2004. +2 to Satyr Eyes, +1 to Keitalia.
In Rule 19, "Mariner's Map," change the Isle of the Sun's distance zone from "25-15" to "20-15". Add between the first and second full sentences of its description: "No Ship may have Distance less than 15 unless it has Resupplied here at least once; Ships that have not Resupplied here have their Distances set to 15 whenever their Distances would otherwise fall below 15."
The story reason: there's a storm brewing, and the Ship has to dock and wait it out. Same as in the source material.

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