Proposal: Row row row your boat [trivial]
Add the following to the upgrade list:
And add the following to the orders list:
Self-killed by Dunam; failed by Satyr Eyes at 6:52 GMT, 04.11.2004. -3 to Dunam, +1 to Satyr Eyes.
Oars 20 supplies- A captain may choose the action 'row' when a ship has oars.
And add the following to the orders list:
Row: This order may only be chosen if the ship has the upgrade 'oars'. The speed of the captain is reduced to 0. The speed of each deckhand aboard the ship is increased by (50/morale) of that mariner, rounded down to a full integer. After this speed has been updated, the effects of the 'Sail' order happen. Afterwards, all speeds are returned to their normal value. Then the two deckhands with the lowest morale on this ship receive the ailment 'depressed'.

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