Proposal : Resurging Research
If the proposal "Reading These Proposals Is Just Like A Meeting" fails, or is deemed to have no effect due to other proposals failing this proposal has no effect, and will afford ChinDoGu no dignity if it passes. Add to the end of the 6th paragraph of Rule "Solution Creation"
additionally update within the same rule
to read
Passed 8 to 1 by Brendan at 9:47 pm GMT on 6.24.2004. +10 to ChinDoGu, +2 to Brendan.
Projects proposed by the Research Department require 1 less vote of approval than normal in order to be approved (That is, the approval of admin and only one other department)
additionally update within the same rule
If the Project fails to gain the approval of two other Departments within 48 hours
to read
If the Project fails to gain the necessary approval within 48 hours

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