Proposal : The Race For Quality Has No Finish Line [Trivial]
Separates and generalizes some of the particulars of Stuff, in preparation for a forthcoming Proposal.
If Proposal : Eating Our Own Dog Food fails, this Proposal has no effect. In addition, should Proposal : Eating Our Own Dog Food fail and this Proposal pass, Brendan shall gain no Dignity from its passage.
Create a new Rule, Qualities:
Passed 9 to 0 by Brendan at 2:30 pm GMT on 6.24.2004. +3 to Brendan.
If Proposal : Eating Our Own Dog Food fails, this Proposal has no effect. In addition, should Proposal : Eating Our Own Dog Food fail and this Proposal pass, Brendan shall gain no Dignity from its passage.
Create a new Rule, Qualities:
TOSs may have certain Qualities. These Qualities are listed at the end of this Rule. The description of each TOS is considered part of the descriptive text of each TOS, and thus can affect gamestate or restrict that particular TOS in the same way.In addition, change the description of TOSs in Rule 15 - Office Equipment to read
If the rest of Ruleset and the descriptive text (or Qualities) of a TOS appear to conflict in a way relevant to that particular TOS, the descriptive text (or Qualities) of the TOS take precedence.
The format of Qualities listed in this Rule is as follows:
- Quality Name.
Affects or restrictions of this Quality.
Herein follows the list of Qualities:
- Personal.
Once a Teamsperson possesses this TOS, he or she may continue to possess this TOS even if he or she has no Department.- Prized.
Only the Teamsperson with the highest Dignity in a given Department may claim or possess this TOS. If two Teamspersons in a Department both have the highest Dignity, no Teamsperson in that Department may claim or possess this TOS.- Rare.
Only one Teamsperson in a Department may possess this TOS at any given time. No Teamsperson in a Department may claim this TOS if another Teamsperson in the same Department already possesses this TOS.- Unique.
No Teamsperson may claim or possess this TOS if another Teamsperson already possesses it.- Hot.
If at any time a Teamsperson has possessed this TOS for more than 24 hours, any other Teamsperson may remove it from that Teamsperson's Stuff and claim it for himself or herself. (If the claiming Teamsperson belongs to a different Department than the former owner of this TOS, he or she must update the Outlay of each Department according to this change.)
TOS Name. Cost: XAnd replace the descriptions of the Window, Big Chair, Clutter and TWT with the following:
[Quality1 (if any), Quality 2 (if any)]
Effects of this TOS on the Gamestate, or restrictions specific to this TOS.
- Window. Cost: 0
No other special effects.- Big Chair. Cost: 3
No other special effects.- Clutter. Cost: 0
A Teamsperson may only claim Clutter if he or she sacrifices 20 Dignity. If a Teamsperson with Clutter is ever the Lackey during a re-org, his or her Dignity is effectively doubled (for the purposes of that re-org) due to sheer weight of plastic.- TWT. Cost: 0
At any time on a Friday, the District Manager may remove the TWT from a Teamsperson's Stuff (if that Teamsperson has the TWT) and lower that Teamsperson's Dignity by 50. At any time on a Friday, the District Manager may add the TWT to any Teamsperson's Stuff (if no other Teamsperson possesses the TWT) and raise that Teamsperson's Dignity by 50.

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