Proposal : Reading These Proposals Is Just Like A Meeting [Trivial]
If either Proposal : Eating Our Own Dog Food or Proposal : The Race For Quality Has No Finish Line [Trivial] fails, this Proposal has no effect. Also, if either of those Proposals fails and this Proposal passes, Brendan shall gain no Dignity by its Passage.
Create a new Rule, Solution Creation:
Passed 9 to 0 by Brendan at 2:45 pm GMT on 6.24.2004. +3 to Brendan.
Create a new Rule, Solution Creation:
TOSs are created through a collaborative effort by all Departments, via Projects. A Teamsperson may start a Project by posting to the BlogNomic weblog with the title "Project : Name of Department" but with Name of Department replaced by the starting Teamsperson's Department. The Project is then considered to belong to that Department. No Teamsperson may start a Project if he or she has no Department.
Once a Project is started, it is considered In Process. No Teamsperson may start a Project if there is already another Project In Process belonging to his or her Department.
The first paragraph of the Project may optionally be flavor text, denoted by italic text. This text has no effect on the Ruleset or Gamestate. The rest of a Project post must have the same format as the descriptions of TOSs listed in Rule 14 - Office Equipment.
The Project must then gain the approval of at least one Teamsperson from two other Departments besides Admin and the Project's own Department. A FOR vote in the comment thread of the Project signifies approval, and an AGAINST vote in that comment thread signifies disapproval. An IMP vote has no effect, nor does a VETO. Only the most recent vote from a given Department counts as that Department's vote; however, if the Department Head of any given Department has voted in the same comment thread, no other votes from that Department count (so long as that Department Head remains Department Head).
In the same comment as his or her vote, a Teamsperson may specify a Quality from the list in the Rule entitled Qualities. If that vote is the one counted from that Teamsperon's Department, AND if that Teamsperson's Department has an Efficiency greater than or equal to the Department to which the Project belongs, that Quality will be considered part of the Project and the resulting TOS.
If the Project gains approval from two other Departments and Admin within 48 hours, it is no longer considered In Process and is considered Approved. Any Admin may add it to Rule 14 - Office Supplies and claim 1 Dignity; the original poster of the Project gains 5 Dignity, and his or her Department gains 1 Efficiency.
If the Project fails to gain the approval of two other Departments within 48 hours, if the Project's proposer votes AGAINST it, or if (at the end of 48 hours after its start time) the Project does not have the approval of Admin, that Project is no longer considered In Process and is considered Failed. Any Admin may deduct 3 Dignity from the Teamsperson who started the Project (this may only be done once per Project) and claim 1 Dignity, and the starting Teamsperson's Department loses 1 Efficiency.
If there are any Departments with no members, any member of Admin may vote for that Department by stating this in a vote in the Project's comment thread.

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